Is it really possible to make a barn star look vintage? Join me in finding out just exactly how it's done, with the help of exhilarating Graphic 45 paper, and gorgeous May Arts ribbon.
Supplies needed: Graphic 45 paper
May Arts ribbon, 379-15-25 burgundy pleats
379-15-10 black pleats
3/8" SX10-black
3/8" SX25-burgundy
Barn stars, modge podge, acrylic paint, paint brushes, scissors, X-Acto knife, hot glue gun, ruler, and pencil.
First measure the edges of your star point. You will need to compensate some extra on the measurements because it is raised in the center. If you take a thin piece of scrap paper or computer paper you can press it over the top of one of the points and fold underneath to give you a better idea how much extra you will need to measure.
Second make your self a pattern and trace it on the back of the paper you will be using.
The paper I used from Graphic 45 was from their Renaissance Faire Collection.
As you see in the above picture I chose to cut out my shapes from the corners. The pattern on this paper is vertical-horizontal, so by using the corners you will have a more uniform paper look as you glue it to the star.
Third, brush modge podge all over one star point and place you paper on pressing firmly, but not so firm you push out all the modge podge. Repeat for the other 4 corners and let dry.
Fourth, if your paper over lapped the edges you can using an X-Acto knife to trim once the modge podge is completely dry.
Fifth, I painted some acrylic paint on the edges of my ribbon to give it a more vintage look to match the paper. Use one of those cheap brushes where all the bristles are not uniform and there's space between bristles so that as you paint it on the ribbon it kind of streaks it instead of painting it solid. This worn out brush comes in handy for washed looks and overlays.
Sixth, glue your ribbon with half underneath the star and half showing following the thread seam in the middle. To make your corners simple fold and glue into a point. I cut the ribbon the length of one star point so each of them can be glued on individually with the only fold at the actual point.
Last, I lined the edges with the 3/8" ribbons. I cut the ribbon the length of the edge and glued just the middle of the ribbon. Once all of them were glued I went back and cut the points and glued down. It made it a lot easier to match the angles when glued and laying on top of each other. I left the 3/8" ribbons their solid true color to give it the contrast.
I absolutely love how they turned out. I've always like the stars, but not the rustic look although I do have rooms in my house that are decorated very rustic. I think this gave the star the nice twist I was looking for.
Thank you May Arts and Graphic 45 for helping me to turn a barn star vintage. I hope you enjoyed your visit today and will stop by frequently!
See you again soon!!
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